Donor FAQs

What is Trent University's Charitable Registration Number?
11926 8928 RR0001

Will I receive a receipt for my gift to Trent?
Yes. Official gift receipts are issued for all eligible contributions over $20. 

Lost Tax Receipts
I have lost my tax receipt or have noticed an error, who do I talk to about this?

Please contact the Development Office at (705) 748-1601 or email our Donations Coordinator at for a duplicate receipt or to have an error corrected.

How do I make a gift right now?
Thank you for considering a gift to Trent University. To make an immediate gift, please choose one of the following options: 
 1. Give online using a credit card  
 2. Call the Advancement Office at (705) 748-1601

Can I give monthly?
Along with one-time and annual gifts, it is possible to donate monthly to Trent University. Monthly donations can be made through credit card or bank debit, or payroll deduction if you are a Trent employee.

How do pledges work?
Sustaining pledges involve a regular payment schedule determined by you, the donor. The most common is continuous monthly payment, which can be scheduled for a specific length of time or on an open-ended basis.  Pledges can be paid in three ways: pre-authorized cheque, credit card or payroll deduction (for Trent staff or faculty). If you would like to make a recurring monthly gift or begin fulfilling a pledge, please contact our Donation Office at (705) 748-1601 or email our Donations Coordinator at

What do I need to know about payroll deduction?
Sustaining pledges can be paid through payroll deduction (for Trent University staff and faculty). Please contact our Donations Office. In lieu of a tax receipt, your annual payments will be reflected on your T4.

How do I donate stock or securities?
If you are considering a donation to Trent University and you own publicly-listed securities - stocks, bonds, mutual fund units or shares - that have appreciated in value, you may want to consider transferring these directly to the University, rather than cashing them in to make a donation.

Donating publicly-traded securities, mutual funds, or bonds is a tax-efficient way to support Trent University because there are no capital gains taxes payable when the shares are given in kind directly to the University’s securities account. Donors receive a donation receipt for the fair market value of the shares on the day they are received in our account. For assistance, you may wish to consult with your financial advisor or call the Development Office at (705) 748-1601.

Do you accept gift-in-kind donations?
A gift-in-kind is defined by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a gift of tangible property. Trent University has benefited from the generosity of individuals and corporations who have donated gifts-in-kind such as paintings, scientific equipment, rare books, etc. Gifts-in-kind may be made to the University to augment academic and research activities. Donations must be assessed by a qualified appraiser to determine the fair market value of the items and donors receive a tax receipt for the appraised value. For information about making a gift in kind, contact the Development Office at (705) 748-1601. 

How can I give through my Will?
A gift made through a bequest is a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy at the University. You may consider designating the University as a beneficiary in your Will, life insurance policy, or charitable remainder trust. These gift options may have substantial tax implications for donors. Please contact Donna Doherty at or 705-748-1011 x7208 for more information about any of these options. Learn more about Legacy Giving.

Can I make a gift in honour or in memory of someone?
Paying tribute to someone special through a gift to the University has personal meaning. Gifts in memory (if the individual is deceased) or in honour (if the person is living) can be made online, or by noting the individual’s name on the donation form . Where appropriate, and information is available, the University strives to notify the tributee (or their next of kin) of your gift. Please note that the amount of the gift, and the donor’s address are never shared with the notified recipient.

How can I support the current Trent Campaign for Momentous Change?
The impact of major gifts can be transformational across the University, and may involve naming opportunities to create a lasting legacy. To find out how you can support Trent University’s Campaign for Momentous Change contact Sherry Booth, associate vice-president, Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement at

See more at

How can I learn more about naming opportunities?
Named gifts are tangible, lasting reminders to future generations of the remarkable and generous contributions of donors, families and partners for people and organizations deserving of recognition or commemoration. For information contact Darci Maude at (705) 748-1011 Ext. 7176 or email

Where can I direct my gift? Can I designate my gift to a particular project/faculty/fund?
You can direct your gift to the area that means the most to you. This could be a faculty or department, an athletic team, the library, a scholarship, bursary fund or to the University’s greatest needs. For more information please contact Donna Doherty, Campaign Director at

Can I make an anonymous gift?
The term 'anonymous gift' is in regards to the University's recognition of donors. Anonymous donors must provide their personal information for tax receipting purposes, but that information will remain confidential within the Development Office. In all University and public announcements, the donation will be listed as anonymous as requested by the donor. You will still receive a tax receipt for any eligible gift.

Who is calling me on behalf of Trent?
The Annual Fund Program employs over 30 students who call alumni, parents and friends throughout the year. Students enjoy hearing alumni stories, and alumni welcome the opportunity to find out about the exciting developments that are shaping the student experience today. 

Who manages the University's Endowments?
The Trent University Board of Governors (the “Board) is responsible for ensuring the prudent management of endowed funds as per the guidelines specified in the Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures.

Trent University Endowment Funds contain assets donated to the University directly, and through certain government matching programs. Assets are pooled for investment purposes and are assigned shares relative to the size of each endowed fund. The purpose of endowed funds is to provide a secure source of assets, on which expenditures are made from the earnings while the principal remains intact.

Gifts from outside of Canada – can I still make a gift?
Trent University has alumni and friends living in all parts of the world. Gifts received from alumni and friends living outside of Canada and the United States will be recognized with a Canadian charitable gift receipt. All charitable donations to Trent University are fully tax creditable for Trent alumni and their families, as well as for U.S. residents who are family members of current or former Trent students. According to the Canada/United States 1980 Tax Convention, ratified in 1997, Article XXI: a U.S. resident is entitled to a charitable deduction for gifts to a Canadian University, provided he or she, or a family member, is or was enrolled at that University. Family members include spouse, children, grandchildren, parents and siblings. These gifts may be deducted against U.S. source income subject to the standard percentage limitations for U.S. Federal Tax purposes. Indicate on your tax return that you or a family member are/were a Trent graduate or student.

Trent University is able to accept tax-deductible donations from American donors in partnership with CAF America. Please visit the Give Now page at CAF America’s website to get started. For more information on international gifts, contact Sherry Booth, associate vice-president, Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement at or call (705) 748-1011 ext 7593. 

What is your information privacy policy?
For more information on Trent University’s privacy policy please visit our Access & Privacy webpage.